Apr 28, 2008

"Browsing" and "Searching" for DVDs or Videos in the TAFE Catalougue

DVDs and Videos in TAFE Catalogue can be either "BROWSED" or "SEARCHED"

"BROWSE" will find you all videos and DVDs held in the selected library collection (eg. Granville)
by selecting a broad subject category from the list on the right hand side of screen (eg. Economics, Management, English, Life Sciences ... etc), you can select from the full set of videos/DVDs, a more specific list.

"SEARCH" will allow you to use your preferred keywords, searching the whole catalogue record (i.e. the title, subject headings and film summary), which allows a more specific search.

The Library has just produced a brochure for staff and students giving a step-by-step guide on how to use this techniques. Please ask the Library for a copy