Book a tour with us. We can show your students how to find information for their assignments from our Catalogues, Internet, Databases, Studylinks, ... etc.
There are different types of tours:
Walkaround Tour
Show the students around the libray and explain to them all our services, resources and facilities. It takes about 15 minutes.
Basic Tour
General introduction to the library's sevices and facilities and how to search the TAFE NSW Library Network Catalogue. It takes about 30 minutes.
Advanced Tour
We demonstrate how to find quality information on the Internet, Databases, Studylinks and other online references. Discuss with us what you require and we can tailor it to the needs of your classes. It takes about 45 minutes to one hour.
All classes are welcome. Booking can be made by phone or in person.
Our phone Number is: 9682 0311